Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"Yesterday all my troubles seem so far away, "

"Now it looks as though there here to stay,"

"Oh I believe in yesterday."


I haven't the slightest clue that is just how my day is starting. I do know that this just keeps' rolling around and around in my head. What a deep song , and many more from that group that took the world by storm.

The troubles of today could have been building since yesterday,and the day before that and so on and so on...... Soooooooooo . I am going to look at it like this. Remember that saying "today is the first day of the rest of your life. " Welcome to Day 1 everybody !

Here I am sitting here at my desk ready to start my day working on or maybe I should say at a home based business. I have had my up's and my disappointing downs,if you are" up there " congrat's. I am still plugging away at that financial freedom thing . Still chasing them rainbows. I better get started. Food for thought "Peanut Butter and Jelly."

Friday, March 20, 2009


I wish we could all go on vacation,layout on a beach some where,or travel the world. Mexico,Europe,Australia,HongKong there are so many places to go and cultures to see. I just want to shut my eyes and dream how nice it could be and not think about anything but bliss. I don't want to know how much is this gonna cost me, I want to know how much I can save making my dream a reality....